In this stimulating collection of short stories, edited by William Clinkenbeard, amazing things happen:
Nessie grants an exclusive interview, turkeys and foxes speak, ghosts write, dreams and fantasies take on a menacing realty, ancient history is brought to life, revenge is sought and found, larceny and murder are committed.
The four stories included in the book written by George Sinclair are:-
Little Tulla’s Legacy
The experts tells us that Skara Brae in Orkney was abandoned around 2200 BC. It was forgotten and lost for 4,000 years until rediscovered after the great storm of 1850. But why was it abandoned?
Little Tulla’s Legacy is the story of a small girl, Tulla, who lived in Skara Brae just before it was abandoned. It tells of tragedy, standing stones, forbidden love and witchcraft.
Scottish Druid
Fact – The world’s centre of Druidism was Scotland, or Alba, as it was known in 77 AD. Dunedin, now called Edinburgh, was the Druids’ capital, the Castle rock was their sacrifice arena and the site on which Holyrood Palace now stands was the Druid’s Collegiate Headquarters, where all major decisions were taken. The Druid religion and lifestyle were similar in many ways to those of the early Celtic Church; their fundamental principles of justice, using scientific knowledge and protecting the people were the same. But the Druids differed from the Celtic Church on child sacrifice.
This is the story of the Druid, Nechtan, who argues vociferously with the rogue Druids who want to maintain child sacrifice; he does not. Despondency looms until a ravishing Irish beauty, Wylfa, comes into his life, but she is not all she seems. He knows that the Romans also abhor child sacrifice and is forced to conspire with them.
Ben’s Friend
Two mountaineering pals are eager for the challenge of climbing Carn Mor Dearg and Ben Nevis on a beautiful sunny day in winter. But disaster strikes and they become lost on top of a misty Ben Nevis, with vertical cliffs all around them!
Not Men in Kilts
Two mysterious men rudely interrupt an unassuming writer at his front door; at least one of them has a gun. He is dragged screaming and kicking into a scenario that involves blackmail, murder, Triads, Iranians and atomic bombs…